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OR DI N A N C E N0. 29 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A UNIFORM BUILDING, PLUMBING, GAS AND <br />ELECTRICAL CODE, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, RENOVATING <br />AND REMODELLING OF BUILDINGS, THE INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING, GAS AND <br />ELECTRICAL FACILITIES AND APPLIANCES, THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS <br />THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF AND PENALTIES FOR <br />ITS VIOLATION, ALL AS EMBRACED IN ALL OFTHEPROVISIONS OF THE <br />UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1955 EDITION) OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE <br />OF BUILDING OFFICIALS INC; THE STANDARD GAS CODE (1955 ED) AND <br />UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (1955 ED) BOTH OF THE WESTERN PLUMBING <br />OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION INC. AND THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (1956 ED) <br />PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, AND PROVIDING <br />THE REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISHING THE POSITION OF BUILDING <br />INSPECTOR. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1: The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />doesern efiy adopt a uniform building, plumbing, gas and electrical <br />code for the Town of Los Altos Hills, forming a part of the <br />Municipal Code of the Town of Los Altos Hills, which said building, <br />plumbing, gas and electrical code is as follows, to wit: <br />SECTION 2: All of the provisions of the International Con- <br />ference o 'Suirlding Officials Inc. (1955 Ed) hereinafter termed the <br />Building Code and each and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such building code (three copies <br />of which code have been filed for use and examination by the public <br />In the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are <br />hereby adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set <br />forth in this Ordinance, and are adopted as sections of the Ordinance <br />(bearing the same numerical sections, designations, and titles as <br />appear in said building code.) Except that as to services specified <br />in Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall supersede code. <br />SECTION 33: All of the provisions of the Standard Gas Code of <br />Western Plumbing Officials Association Inc. (1955 ED) hereinafter <br />termed the Gas Code and each and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such Gas Code (three copies of <br />which code have been filed for use and examination by the public in <br />the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are here- <br />by adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set forth <br />in this ordinance and are adopted as sections of this ordinance <br />(bearing the same numerical section, designations, and titles as <br />appear in said gas code.) Except that as to services specified in <br />Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall supersede the <br />Code. <br />SECTION : All of the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code <br />of the ea ern Plumbing Officials Association (1955 Ed), hereinafter <br />termed the Plumbing Code, and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such plumbing code (three copies <br />of which code have been filed for use and examination by the Public <br />In the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are <br />hereby adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set <br />forth in this ordinance and are adopted as sections of this <br />ordinance (bearing the same numerical sections, designations, and <br />titles as appear in said Plumbing Code). Except that as to services <br />specified in Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall <br />supersede the Code. <br />SECTIONAll of the provisions of the 1956 edition of the <br />Nations E ec rical Code as prepared and published by the National <br />Fire Protection Association are hereby referred to and are hereby <br />adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set forth in <br />this Ordinance, and shall be hereafter referred to as "The Electri- <br />cal Code of the .Los Altos Hills". This shall be subject to the <br />exception that the fees as set up in Section 7 hereof will, after <br />the services specified, supersede those of the Electrical Cods for <br />the same purpose and of the Plumbing Code and Gas Code and Building <br />Code. Page 1. <br />