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Adopting a Uniform Building, Plumbing, Gas and Electrical Code, Regulating the Construction, Alteration, Renovating and Remodling of Buildings, the Installation of Plumbing, Gas and Electrical Facilities and Appliances, the Issuance of Permits Therefor, Providing for the Enforcement Thereof and Penalties for Its Violation, All as Embraced in All of the Provisions of the Uniform Building Code (1955 Edition) of the International Conference of Building Officials Inc; The Standard Gas Code (1955 ed.) and Uniform Plumbing Code (1955 ed.) Both of the Western Plumbing Officials Association Inc. and the National Electrical Code (1956 ed) Published by the National Fire Protection Association, and Providing the Regulations and Establishing the Position of Building Official.
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OR DI N A N C E N0. 29 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A UNIFORM BUILDING, PLUMBING, GAS AND <br />ELECTRICAL CODE, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, RENOVATING <br />AND REMODELLING OF BUILDINGS, THE INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING, GAS AND <br />ELECTRICAL FACILITIES AND APPLIANCES, THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS <br />THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF AND PENALTIES FOR <br />ITS VIOLATION, ALL AS EMBRACED IN ALL OFTHEPROVISIONS OF THE <br />UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1955 EDITION) OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE <br />OF BUILDING OFFICIALS INC; THE STANDARD GAS CODE (1955 ED) AND <br />UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (1955 ED) BOTH OF THE WESTERN PLUMBING <br />OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION INC. AND THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (1956 ED) <br />PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, AND PROVIDING <br />THE REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISHING THE POSITION OF BUILDING <br />INSPECTOR. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1: The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />doesern efiy adopt a uniform building, plumbing, gas and electrical <br />code for the Town of Los Altos Hills, forming a part of the <br />Municipal Code of the Town of Los Altos Hills, which said building, <br />plumbing, gas and electrical code is as follows, to wit: <br />SECTION 2: All of the provisions of the International Con- <br />ference o 'Suirlding Officials Inc. (1955 Ed) hereinafter termed the <br />Building Code and each and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such building code (three copies <br />of which code have been filed for use and examination by the public <br />In the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are <br />hereby adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set <br />forth in this Ordinance, and are adopted as sections of the Ordinance <br />(bearing the same numerical sections, designations, and titles as <br />appear in said building code.) Except that as to services specified <br />in Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall supersede code. <br />SECTION 33: All of the provisions of the Standard Gas Code of <br />Western Plumbing Officials Association Inc. (1955 ED) hereinafter <br />termed the Gas Code and each and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such Gas Code (three copies of <br />which code have been filed for use and examination by the public in <br />the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are here- <br />by adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set forth <br />in this ordinance and are adopted as sections of this ordinance <br />(bearing the same numerical section, designations, and titles as <br />appear in said gas code.) Except that as to services specified in <br />Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall supersede the <br />Code. <br />SECTION : All of the provisions of the Uniform Plumbing Code <br />of the ea ern Plumbing Officials Association (1955 Ed), hereinafter <br />termed the Plumbing Code, and all the regulations, provisions, <br />penalties, conditions and terms of such plumbing code (three copies <br />of which code have been filed for use and examination by the Public <br />In the office of the City Clerk) are hereby referred to and are <br />hereby adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set <br />forth in this ordinance and are adopted as sections of this <br />ordinance (bearing the same numerical sections, designations, and <br />titles as appear in said Plumbing Code). Except that as to services <br />specified in Section 7, the fees as set out in Section 7 shall <br />supersede the Code. <br />SECTIONAll of the provisions of the 1956 edition of the <br />Nations E ec rical Code as prepared and published by the National <br />Fire Protection Association are hereby referred to and are hereby <br />adopted and made a part hereof, the same as if fully set forth in <br />this Ordinance, and shall be hereafter referred to as "The Electri- <br />cal Code of the .Los Altos Hills". This shall be subject to the <br />exception that the fees as set up in Section 7 hereof will, after <br />the services specified, supersede those of the Electrical Cods for <br />the same purpose and of the Plumbing Code and Gas Code and Building <br />Code. Page 1. <br />
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