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DINANF'0 <br />AN ORDINSNCE OF THE TO'M O LOS ALTOS HILLS REGULATING, <br />SND UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS PROHIBITING 14ITHOUT PERMIT THE DEPOSIT <br />OR REMOVAL OF SOIL, SLND ROCK OR OTHER"M'.TRI.:L RESPECTIVELY UPON OR <br />FROM PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF LOS .ALTOS HILLS: PROVIDING PEN,.LTIES <br />FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING :, S^VERdBILITY CLAUS .LTD DECL;MNG THIS TO <br />BE AN EMERGENCY MEASURE TO BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDI ,TELY UPON ENICTMENT. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS _ZTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN <br />:.S FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION I: The extraction from, or the deposit upon prop- <br />erty in the Town of Los Altos Hills of soil, sand, rock or similar <br />materials and including building materials and construction materials <br />is prohibited unless a permit therefor shall have been issued by the <br />City Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />SECTION II: There shall be excepted from the terms and re- <br />quirements of this Ordinance excavations and deposits as follows: <br />(a) excavation as required for basement or found- <br />ation of any structure for which a building permit has been issued. <br />(b) excavation as required for a swimming pool or <br />similar project for which a building permit has been issued. <br />(c) deposit of earth, as required and building mat- <br />erials for use in a building for which a building permit has been <br />issued. <br />(d) grading of any parcel of land for a permitted <br />use when a building permit has been issued provided no bank is left <br />standing and exposed of more than ten (10) feet in vertical height nor <br />where not over six hundred (600) cubic yards of material is to be re- <br />moved from or spread upon the premises. <br />(e) grading in a subdivision under a plan approved <br />under existing Ordinances of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />(f) excavation by any public agency or public ut- <br />ility for the installation, operation, maintenance,inspection, repair <br />or replacement of a facility. <br />(g) miscellaneous excavation or deposit, not to ex- <br />ceed six (6) cubic yards per year, incidental to residential occupancy. <br />All work done under an excepted or permitted use shall be <br />left in a sightly and workmanlike condition. <br />SECTION III: The conditions under which a permit for ex- <br />cavation or deposit or materials may be issued shall include any pro- <br />vision deemed necessary or desirable to protect the public safety and <br />welfare. The following are minimum standards to be applied in estab- <br />lishment of such conditions: <br />(a) except as herein provided, no cut slope shall <br />be steeper than a ratio of 116 to 1 horizontal to vertical measurement. <br />(b) except as herein provided, no fill slope ehbll <br />beteeper than a ratio of two to one (2 to 1), horizontal to vertical <br />measurement. <br />(c) steeper slopes than as herein provided, if per- <br />mitted, shall be retained by a substantial wall, built to specifi- <br />cations approved by the Building Inspector. <br />�-29-58 <br />