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r <br />ORDINANCE NO. 86 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF IAS ALTOS HILLS, AMENDING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 69 BY AMENDING THE RATE OF CONTRIBUTION <br />TO THE SPECIAL WALK CONSTRUCTION FUND. <br />THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE TOWN <br />OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN <br />AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION <br />I: Ordinance No. 69 <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />is <br />hereby <br />amended by amending Section 3:80 thereof to read as follows: <br />3:60 Walks. The Subdivider shall grade and construct, to Town <br />Standards, pedestrian walks along all existing and new public roads, <br />contiguous to the subdivided property, and on one side of all such roads <br />within such property, making appropriate dedications to public use where <br />such may be deemed by the Planning Commission or the City Council to be <br />necessary to accomodate such walks. WIe re so required by the Planning <br />Commission or the City Council, the Subdivider shall also make dedications <br />for, grade, and construct to Town Standards, pedestrian walks along such <br />parcel boundaries as the Planning Commission or City Council may designate, <br />said paths to connect with convenient routes of travel within the subdivided <br />property. In cases where the roads within the subdivided property carry <br />heavy traffic, the Planning Commission may require walks on both sides. <br />In any case in which the Planning Commission or the City Council finds that <br />the public interest would be best served by a delay in construction of any <br />or all of the walks herein required, or by modification of the location <br />or nature of the walks to be constructed, the Subdivider will be per- <br />mitted, at his option, to contribute to the Town's Special Walk Construc- <br />tion Fund, a sum of money equal to One Dollar and Sixty -Five Cents ($1.65) <br />per lineal foot of the walks which he would otherwise be required to <br />construct. Appropriate dedications will be made at the time of payment <br />into the Fund. Thereafter, the Subdivider will be under no further obliga- <br />tion to construct the walks or portions thereof for which this alternative <br />procedure is permitted and followed: <br />Unless a written waiver is given by the Subdivider, all funds <br />paid into the Fund shall be used by the Town within a reasonable time <br />after the receipt thereof, for construction of appropriate walks within <br />IAOGRIG 6 FAIBANT <br />-1- <br />LOS ALTOS. CALIF. <br />