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4141 <br /> 1100 <br /> RESOLUTION NO.'/IA <br /> A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS URGING THE <br /> LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES TO ENCOURAGE STATE SUPPORT OF THE SERVICE COSTS <br /> OF SUPPORTING A COMMUNITY COLLEGE. <br /> WHEREAS, the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills, a purely residential community <br /> of 7200 residents, has within its corporate bounds, and occupying 122 acres or 10 <br /> per cent of its area, a school of higher learning known and designated as Foothill <br /> College, a part of the Foothill Community College District, and <br /> WHEREAS, persons engaged in academic and other pursuits on Foothill College campus <br /> number over 10,000 persons, and <br /> WHEREAS, citizens of the District in the cities of Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los <br /> Altos, Cupertino, Sunnyvale and parts of Santa Clara and San Jose are permitted <br /> by law to attend Foothill College, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills is legally bound to provide, without <br /> recompense, external circulation facilities and police protection and internal <br /> police and fire protection services to Foothill College, and <br /> WHEREAS, such physical support and service requires a current expenditure of <br /> approximately $35,000 annually for police, fire, road maintenance and other <br /> environmental costs to be borne solely by the taxpayers of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills, and <br /> WHEREAS, the establishment of a large college within the boundaries of a very <br /> small community without compensatory subventions from all that share college <br /> facilities works an undue hardship upon that community, and <br /> WHEREAS, there is no provision in law to ameliorate the budgeted cash demands <br /> required of the service supporting community, without resorting to an increase <br /> in property tax as the cost of service support continues to increase, and <br /> WHEREAS, there is no statutory authorization for an incorporated city to require <br /> a community college district to provide its own police and fire protection, or <br /> to pay to the host city any of the costs in providing such protection, and <br /> WHEREAS, a community college district may not contract with a county to provide <br /> police protection on a regular and continuing basis, and <br /> WHEREAS, it is only just and proper that those who benefit, enjoy, use or, other- <br /> wise participate should share proportionately the total accrued and continuing <br /> costs in the establishment and operation of any assessment district facilities, <br /> particularly those devoted to education, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of the Town <br /> of Los Altos Hills urges the League of California Cities to sponsor and support <br /> legislation at the State level that would authorize any community college <br /> district to levy a special tax, ata rate not to exceed one cent per $100.00 of <br /> assessed valuation, for the purpose of paying the physical service support costs <br />