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3l �- <br /> Town Of Los Altos Hills May 13, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: VARIANCE TO ALLOW A STORAGE SHED TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A <br /> SIDE YARD SETBACK; LANDS OF DORRIAN; 13113 BYRD LANE; FILE <br /> #4-98-VAR <br /> FROM: Suzanne Davis, Planner SD <br /> APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams, Planning DiVar <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> 1. Make the findings required by Section 10-1.1107(2)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> for the granting of a variance and approve the location of the storage shed; OR <br /> 2. Deny the requested variance making findings for denial, and direct the applicant <br /> to either relocate the shed so that it does not encroach into any required setbacks <br /> or remove it from the property. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> In November of 1997, the applicant installed an 8' x 10' shed withinthe rear setback of <br /> the property, without a permit, and the neighbor at 13145 Byrd Lane informed the staff of <br /> the code violation. Upon notification of the violation, the applicant submitted a request <br /> for a variance and moved the shed farther from the property line, but still 15 feet inside <br /> the setback. On February 25, 1998, the Planning Commission denied the variance stating <br /> that it could not make the required findings in support of the request. The applicant has <br /> relocated the shed to the side yard, adjacent to the pool equipment enclosure and garage. <br /> The shed encroaches into the side yard by 15 feet. This setback is affected by an existing <br /> 28 foot wide access easement to the property to the rear.(west) as discussed below. <br /> CODE PROVISIONS <br /> Section 10-1.505(a) of the Zoning Code requires that no structure (other than fences and. <br /> ornamental garden structures) be located within any setback, and Section 10-1.505(c)(3) <br /> requires a 30 foot setback from neighboring property lines. <br /> In order to approve a variance, the Planning Commission must make four findings, <br /> pursuant to Section 10-1.1107(2)(b) of the Zoning.Code. The Commission must find: (1) <br /> that there are unique circumstances applicable to the property which preclude the <br /> applicant from enjoying the privileges of similar properties; (2) that the intent and <br /> purposes of the Zoning provisions are met thatno special privileges are being conferred <br /> on this property owner; (3) that the variance would not be detrimental to the public <br /> welfare; and (4) that the variance would not authorize a use not otherwise permitted by <br /> the Zoning District regulations. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The proposed structure is an 80 square foot (8' x 10') gray wood shed, approximately 10 <br /> feet high, and proposed to encroach about 15 feet into the 30 foot side setback. The shed <br /> would be about 45 feet from the actual side property line. The side setback is measured <br /> from the edge of a 28 foot wide access easement rather than the property line. The <br />