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3 . 1 <br /> Town Of Los Altos Hills July 22, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: REQUEST FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW <br /> RESIDENCE; VARIANCE TO ALLOW EXISTING STRUCTURES TO <br /> ENCROACH INTO THE SIDE SETBACK; AND A REQUEST FOR A <br /> LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT; LANDS OF KORMAN; 26157 <br /> ALTADENA DRIVE; FILE#76-98ZP-SD-GD-VAR-LLA <br /> FROM: Curtis S. Williams, Planning Dire%3 <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> Approve the requested Site Development Permit and Variance, citing the findings <br /> outlined in Attachment 2, and recommend approval of the requested Lot Line <br /> Adjustment, subject to the attached conditions of approval (Attachment 1). <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> On July 8, 1998, the Planning Commission discussed this proposal and continued the <br /> item to allow the applicant to address several concerns: 1) moving the residence to the <br /> west and/or rotating the residence and/or breaking up the wall to minimize visibility of <br /> the west wall of the structure to neighbors and provide more room for landscape <br /> screening; 2) adjusting the lot line to better accommodate a shift in the house; 3) <br /> modifications to the heights of the portico and the chimney; 4) the size of the skylight; <br /> 5) the stone wall connecting the two properties; and 6) assuring that upon subdivision <br /> or sale of parcel A, the house is made conforming. <br /> The applicant has made a number of changes to the plans, including a revised lot line <br /> adjustment, to respond to the Commission's concerns (see attached letters from architect <br /> and applicant). The applicant has also provided an aerial photograph (attached) to better <br /> indicate the distance between the proposed house and neighboring residences. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Revised plans, including the lot line adjustment, accompany the staff report. A final <br /> grading and drainage plan, reflecting the revised site layout, is required as part of the <br /> conditions of approval. The issues of concern to I the Commission are addressed as <br /> follows: <br /> Lot Line Adjustment <br /> The lot line adjustment has been revised to provide for greater lot width, allowing the <br /> house shifted while maintaining at least a 30 foot setback from the existing home. <br /> The lot sizes were not changed, so that the allowable development on each lot would <br /> remain the same. <br /> Positioning of House <br /> The revised lot line adjustment has allowed the applicant to shift the proposed home site <br /> to the east by 15 to 20 feet, away from the neighbors. The house was rotated only <br /> slightly, but the distance to the closest residence (the Jeffery's) would be 175 feet, as <br /> shown on the aerial photo. The increased setback should readily provide extensive room <br /> for landscape screening along the west elevation. <br />