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taw <br />Minutes of an Adjourned Regular Meeting <br />April 1, 1998 <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />City Council Adjourned Regular Meeting <br />Wednesday, April 1, 1998, 5:00 P.M. <br />Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br />1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL <br />Mayor Casey called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 5:00 <br />p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Casey and Courcilmembers Dauber, Flubband, Johnson <br />and Siegel <br />Absent: <br />None <br />Staff: <br />City Manager/City Engineer Jeff Peterson, City Attorney <br />Sandy Sloan, Planning Director Curtis Williams, Public Works <br />Manager Jim Rasp and City Clerk Pat Dowd <br />Press: <br />None <br />2. STUDY SESSION REGARDING PROPOSED DRIVEWAY, RESIDENCE AND <br />SECOND DWELLING UNIT, LANDS OF KERNS, 11888 FRANCEMONT ROAD <br />The City Engineer and Planning Director presented a brief summary of the Kerns' application for <br />Francemont Road. On 9/17/97 the City Council had denied their request for a new residence, <br />second unit and driveway at 11888 Francemont Road based, in part, on the following issues: <br />proposed driveway grades, retaining wall heights, quantities of cut and fill, drainage over steep <br />slopes, pathway grades, the profile of the house on a ridgeline and the appearance of a second <br />unit as a separate property. On 10/15/97 Council directed the applicants to meet with staff to <br />address the technical issues of concern, particularly regarding the driveway, before forther <br />Council review of this project. in 2/98 the applicants submitted a revised driveway plan for <br />review. This plan met some of the criteria outlined by staff but was still felt to be excessive <br />regarding retaining wall heights, inconsistent with Town policies regarding driveway grades and <br />did not include all the driveway details. The applicants decided they wanted to proceed with <br />these plans, however, and thus requested a Council study session on their application. The City <br />Attorney had stated that a study session could be scheduled for the applicants to receive input but <br />no Council actions could be taken. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Kerns, applicants, reviewed their plans with the Council. In particular they referred <br />to the reduced slope of the driveway and the increased radius of the curves. They believed they <br />had addressed the safitty issues and referred to a petition of support signed by several residents. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Kerns were asking for Council input concerning the height of the retaining walls. <br />They commented on several other retaining walls in Town which they felt were of similar <br />heights. They also mentioned the positive impact on the walls from both present and planned <br />landscaping. <br />**4w April 1, 1998 <br />Adjourned City Council Meeting <br />