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`� <br />Council discussion ensued. Various rate options were considered <br />Councilmember Hubbard felt the impact on multi -can users would be too severe with a <br />fully inverted rate and the increase would unfairly penalize large families. He added that <br />even with attrition in the past, the collected waste tonnage was still up. Hubbard felt an <br />inversion rate of 50% would be more acceptable with a 2/3 increase reflected in the first <br />year rates and 113 in the second. <br />Councilmember Casey felt the impact on the one can user should be considered, noting <br />that they have no alternative to garbage service- She added that in future negotiations, she <br />would like to review possible tier options of service. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Casey and <br />passed by the following roll call vote that rate schedule #1-P3, a fully inverted rate, as <br />shown in the Los Altos Garbage Co. / Town of Los Altos Hills FY 1994-95 rate <br />application packet be adopted. (Resolution 990 -94 --Resolution of the City Council Setting <br />Rates for Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection Service) <br />AYES. Mayor Dauber and Councilmembers Casey, Johnson and Siegel <br />NOES Councilmember Hubbard <br />ABSENT. None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Due to a prior commitment, Councilmember Hubbard left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. <br />Mayor Dauber requested a clarification of language in the settlement agreement regarding <br />franchise fees and the payment of the accumulated debt. Murtha explained that paragraph <br />#7 of the draft agreement dated December 19, 1994, 'Partial Waiver of Franchise <br />Agreement", addresses that question. He added that the rate schedule that Council adopts <br />directs the language of the settlement agreement. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS. To amend the language of the approved rate schedule to be <br />attached to the settlement agreement to reflect the following -- Since only a portion of the <br />total costs are costs that will vary with an increase in the cost of living, the rates for the <br />twelve (12) month period will be adjusted by a percentage of the cost of living increase as <br />determined pursuant to Section 4 of the Settlement Agreement. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously by those members present to adopt Resolution #91-94 approving and <br />authorizing the settlement agreement between the Town and Los Altos Garbage with the <br />inclusion of the amended rate schedule. <br />December 19, 1994 <br />Special City Council Meeting <br />