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J. STAFF REPORTS: City Manager (continued) : <br /> Mr. Jerry Currie, 25545 O' Keefe, noted that five years ago he had been <br /> sued for $5 million for having an attractive nuisance. A car had gone <br /> out of control down his hill and hit the oak tree under discussion. In <br /> his opinion, to have to zig zag around the oak tree was a disaster <br /> waiting to happen. <br /> The City Manager stated that staff had received no documenation from <br /> the applicants to support their statements concerning financial and <br /> practical hardships unless the tree was removed. The cost estimate <br /> included in the applicant' s letter was not complete in that it did not <br /> include the cost of the placement of the sewer line. Staff therefore <br /> did not have adequate information upon which to evaluate the situation <br /> and, in accordance with Town policy, could not approve improvement <br /> plans which called for the removal of the oak tree. The City Manager <br /> stated that based on the information the Town had, the conditions of <br /> the subdivision could be met and the oak tree could be saved. <br /> Mr. Ralph Accola, 27461 Sherlock Road, commented that if the applicant <br /> had not provided sufficient information on their request, he saw no <br /> reason for Council to act hastily in making a decision. Rather the <br /> matter should be sent back to the applicant for additional background. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Siegel and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to direct staff to see that the <br /> conditions of the subdivision for Lands of Currie, 25545 O' Keefe Lane, <br /> File TM #3-86, are met and if meeting the conditions means the removal <br /> of the oak tree, so be it. <br /> AYES: Mayor Tryon and Councilmembers Dronkert and Siegel <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Plummer and van Tamelen <br /> Tryon stated that this had been a difficult decision to make partly <br /> because of the lack of financial information submitted by the <br /> applicant. However, she was also quite concerned about the safety <br /> aspect of the issue. van Tamelen stated that she felt both the <br /> conditions of the subdivision and the saving of the tree could be <br /> achieved and did not feel that the motion provided a strong enough <br /> incentive to the applicant to save the tree. <br /> b) Joint Study Session with Planning Commission on <br /> Environmental Impact Report for Neary Project <br /> The City Manager suggested that a study session be scheduled with the <br /> Planning Commission and the City Council to discuss the EIR for the <br /> Neary Project. van Tamelen suggested that the matter of variance <br /> policies be added to the agenda for the proposed study session. It <br /> was agreed that this item would be placed on the next Council agenda <br /> for scheduling. <br /> L <br /> -8- 6/17/87 <br />